If you end up going the USB route, ask me for tested hardware.
Send these my way chief
If you end up going the USB route, ask me for tested hardware.
Send these my way chief
Appreciate the written version, though the wiki formatting looks a little weird on mobile. The text on the table of contents is rather small.
I’d love to see this seamless switching between hosts work reliably, but it seems a bit hard…
Have you considered pre-generating the world chunks on your beefy desktop with a mod like Chunky then transferring the world over to the server?
I’ve done this before and it works wonders on low-end devices, though it is a trade: you’re exchanging disk space for smoother performance.
Finding the sweet spot can be a bit hard.
When Google doesn’t restrict apps via the Android APIs, they restrict them via the BS Play Store review requirements. I’ve seen apps loose important functionality over this, meanwhile there’s still rampant viruses roaming free in that dump.
I predict we’ll see more and more ‘Power user’ apps move away from the Play Store as time goes on
To be fair, Syncthing-fork has been around for a while, even before the main app got discontinued and it’s still rock solid
Much appreciated 🙏
Gnarly stuff with the WD’s huh? Unfortunately I think that’s what I’ll end up having to put up with since I can’t really find the other options for a decent price around here.
Funny enough I was half-considering just using a bunch of WD Elements. You think the MyBooks might fare any better?