• Use cloudflare to get an api token
  • Set an a record for a wildcart cert *.domain.com pointing towards your servers local IP such as, turn off cloudflare proxy
  • Go into NPM and setup the SSL cert using dns challenge and your api token
  • setup a proxy host user your subdomain.domain.com pointing towards your docker container
  • key step!!! make sure you do not have conflicting ports 80 and 443 on your machine. On unraid the device management ports are set to this, but for NPM to do local proxies, it needs access to these ports.
    • solrize@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I don’t bother with a proxy host or with LetsEncrypt, though I guess you could use LetsEncrypt perfectly well. Back when I was doing this, LetsEncrypt didn’t exist and you had to actually pay for public certificates, so using locally generated free ones saved money. It also had a minor(?) security advantage in that if the private server key somehow leaked, it wouldn’t let people impersonate our internet domain.

      For the private CA I simply used the crappy CA.pl script that comes with OpenSSL or did at the time. There are much better ways to do it, especially at any kind of scale, but CA.pl sufficed dealing with a few development machines.