Hey everyone. So I’m trying to decide which RAID should I choose for my 6trays NAS. I have 4 x 16TB HDDs, 1x8TB HDD and another one 500GB ssd that I will use as a containers’ docker folder usage. I will be using the NAS to store Media files (movies, tv series, photos, music etc.) and also documents. Currently I have the 2 16tb as RAID 1 that only the Media files are stored and I am in between either creating another RAID 1 with the remaining 2 16Tbs or adding them to the other 2 to create a RAID 5 and have a bigger storage pool Have you had any incident where 2 HDDs were lost-damaged simultaneously (as RAID 5 forgives loss of only 1 drive) or not?

In addition I was thinking of having the 8TB HDD as a standalone to backup the documents and maybe the photos and the docker setups.

Does this make sense to anyone that uses similar setup?

Thanks for your inputs!

  • billwashere@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Just remember if the data is important, raid is not backup. Have the media in another place. I have like 40-50 1tb drives I’ve copied stuff too in case everything goes belly up. Restoring won’t be fun but it will be possible.

    If it were me personally, I’d get two more 16 tb drives and Raid 6 the whole thing. But that’s only because you’ve got the NAS already. If I just had the drives I’d set up a JBOD and either use TrieNAS, Unraid, or maybe OpenMediaVault.