Ive hosted on a variety of platforms (docker in house and cloud) I find yunohost the easiest. Theres a nextcloud package that just…installs at a click of a button. And the scripts are all there open source so you know what your getting.
Unfortunately its still all in one “container” in that its all on one machine. So it might not be what your looking for. Ive ran my nextcloud for a number of years now and the stability of yunohost has been great for me.
It was :(
My pi 4 is right on the cusp. 3 B+ was the best when it came to no dongles and power. Now its taking about the same power as a mini PC and you have to by the enclosure, fans/heatsink/dongles/etc…etc… I suppose you can still buy the old pis but man I miss when that was the form factor they were going for.
I bring over my 3/4 for hacking projects all the time. But I cant justify the 5 without looking at getting a mini pc for 10$ more and it comes with a hard drive ment to last longer than an SD.