Thanks for reminding me to validate.
Daily here also.
Raid is a backup.
I don’t disagree but not everyone is studying for their CCNA.
A pre-built NAS is easy to set up and just works. and if it has docker support it can be just as hands on as building from the ground up.
neat, is it worth it over TrueNAS though?
and the major cost of a NAS is the HDDs so I doubt you could save all that much.
it can run everything you want that’s why I’d suggest it first.
Unless you want to train for a job in networking you don’t need to go all out on a home lab. it can be as hard or easy as you want it to be.
I would probably suggest just getting a Synology NAS or similar because it’s plug and play.
Sounds like you need to back that thing up asap