I’m not sure. I ended up with the eeros because of the mesh and the fact that the upstairs office always had weak signal. I don’t like them and I’ve been generally de-googling and de-amazoning my life. The self-built route appeals to me too. Ultimately, I’ll settle somewhere between off-the-shelf and DIY, but there’s no better way to learn that to do it the hard way from the ground up. In regards to actual hardware, is there a Lemmy community for honest reviews by real people?
Give Nextcloud AIO a shot. I installed bare metal the first time, but AIO has decreased my maintenance burden to next to nothing. Before that, it felt like every update would break my system. I’m a year or two into my transition from Linux nerd to self-hoster. I still fail at things on occasion, but I have learned a lot. I hope it goes as well or even better for you.